Woohoo! Your wedding day checklist is finally becoming that much shorter. After booking you are excited but nervous with anticipation on what to do. Next up is your engagement shoot but not to worry, this is all part of our amazing adventure together. Most times I get the age old questions of “what do I wear?” or “where should we go?”. There are so many suggestions it is boundless but hesitate not. Let’s continue on the trail to creating some really fun, personal and adventurous photographs of you!

What should we wear?
This is the number one question I receive for almost every engagement session! As we adventure together, looking your best in photographs is always top priority, right? Coming to the this adventure session your outfits should coincide with the photographs. Presentable, fun, nice or lavish depending on the locale you are interested in. So, here’s what I tell every single client. Whatever the case I would suggest not matching! Think rather the time of season or your favorite color and find the complement to this. As a rule of thumb try to stay away from super bright colors, or any loud patterns. I’m unsure that we’re going for a 80’s workout video, haha! Our goal is to see those beautiful smiles and the way you see each other. The more busy the pattern and crazy your colors your family and friends will surely be distracted from the subject….you! Feeling wild? Bring 2 outfits. Quite a few folks choose to one fancy and one casual outfit. We usually recommend doing your fancy outfit first. But to be honest, the only reasoning for this is that most of the sessions in the past have been at a beach, in the woods. I personally love looking great, it makes me feel good. So being able to look amazing in the woods but then have a break-out outfit for after that is always awesome!

Where should we go?
Is there a place that means something to the both of you? What is it that you do together? Do you hike? Do you bike together? Kayak? Swim? Is there a place of significance where you met? If there’s a place that’s a part of your life story, lets do it! If you don’t have anywhere special in mind, there are a lot of places I could recommend.

I have a pup, can they come??
A big heck yeah!!!! Having a pet is something that is close to my heart and leaving them out of my life story is something I could never imagine to do. They breathe so much love into you every day and if they were part of your story then let’s do it! The times you throw the ball or frisbee to them to the times you take them to the part for the refreshing swim so they can stretch their legs, it is all just as important. What I would suggest is that we bring a family member or friend so that we can also get those photographs of the two of you. Ever part of your story is important but your love trumps all!

I’m nervous. How will I look in the photos?
You’ll look….you. This is key. Enjoying it, having fun, smiling is all part of the game. If your friends don’t see you in another light, why be any different? Of course being on the other side of the lens is something that is not a normal occurrence for any one person but since I am told I have the gift of gab I will not let those awkward moments take hold! We will laugh together, joke and I will be here to help guide you. When in doubt, yoga breathing! In the nose, out the mouth. 🙂

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